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How to Clean up Your Beauty Routine


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
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For me, one of the hardest parts of starting a new healthy habit is, well… just that, starting. Sometimes it can be so overwhelming, and you can feel that small changes don’t matter, so why do them? Well, I am here to remind you that small changes DO matter and DO make a difference, as every toxic item we can remove from our life is a win, right!? When it comes to clean beauty, though, it’s hard to know which items will work for the majority of my customers so I did want to share a few of my tried and true faves I feel you will love too! Set a goal here, to swap out at least ONE of the items on this list and then, next time the budget allows, swap another! Next thing you know, your routine will be clean and green without any harmful toxins risking your health.

Body Wash​

My all-time favorite body wash that the entire family, even kids, can use is the Aleavia Body Cleanse. Not only do I love this for the obvious body cleansing, but I also use this to shave with, clean my makeup brushes, and sometimes even use it as a shampoo! This body wash is amazing for those with eczema, psoriasis, keratosis, sun spots, dry skin, irritated skin + more. They make a variety of amazing scents and tons of other products like facial cleansers, perfect for acne-prone skin and teens especially! This is one brand you will want to check out as it really leaves your skin so much better than it was found.

Not sure this line is for you? Try the mini sizes here.



Most of us know, by now, to avoid aluminum in your deodorants, the problem is, most natural deodorants flat out stink
Deodorant can be a really tricky item to replace as it is going to come down to your personal chemistry and how it does with the formula. What I can say, is that I do have a best selling brand and that is the Rustic Maka. Not only do all of their deodorants not contain toxic aluminum, but they also avoid baking soda which is a very common, natural, but irritating ingredient for so many. I always avoid baking soda. One tip here is to know that because these do not contain aluminum, they will NOT block sweat fully. Aluminum is a heavy metal that is designed to clog your pores to physically block sweat. These will not do that so you can still plan to sweat a little, which is healthy. If we are not sweating, we are storing toxins inside of us so you do have to adjust your expectations a little here. I also suggest pairing their deodorants with their famous Charcoal Soap for maximum success!

Shampoo & Conditioner​

Because our scalp is so large, you really want to make sure you are using a clean shampoo + conditioner. My all-time favorite shampoos are the Rahua Volume and the Warrior by Under Luna. The Rahua Volume is my holy-grail shampoo as it keeps my fine hair light and bouncy and never weighed down. The Warrior shampoo is amazing for overall scalp health, balanced oil production, and dandruff-prone, oily scalp, and dry scalp. This is all about bringing your hair back into balance! After I shampoo with one of those, I then condition from my ears down, never the scalp unless I am using it as a scalp treatment, with the Rahua Volume or Under Luna Revive conditioner. This stuff is what dreams are made of, as it leaves my hair so soft, moisturized + smelling like fresh Jasmine. Not sure which Under Luna is best for you? Check out my all-things hair blog here. Also, do you need a shampoo the man in your life will love? You MUST get him this Jack Henry Shampoo; it’s Kyle’s top choice and smells beyond!

Not sure these hair care lines are for you? Try the mini sizes here or here.


Ditch Toxic Synthetic Scents-​

One of the worst products you can invite into your home is those that contain hormone-disrupting, synthetic fragrances. Whether you are still using conventional perfume, cleaning products, laundry detergents, air fresheners, candles, or febreeze, a quick way to clean up your home significantly is by simply removing it all. Hormone-disrupting chemicals are invisible, which leads many to believe there is no damage, but did you know that they are harming our fertility at an alarming rate?

Environmental and reproductive epidemiologist Shanna Swan predicts sperm counts could reach zero by 2045 thanks to hormone-disrupting chemicals that are “everywhere.” Where would we be left without sperm? This is a huge reason to get your entire family on board with this lifestyle, as it spares none. The chemicals behind this are literally hiding in everything in our homes, and the problem is, once they enter your body, they do not break down and instead just build and accumulate over time. You may not have problems now, but what will happen after years and years of this toxic buildup?

Dump it all, as it is quite literally only causing harm to your family. For safer swaps, you can head to my website where you will find all-natural essential oils, perfumes, candles, room sprays, body lotions, + more. Hormone-disrupting chemicals are found in pretty much everything in the home, so the more you can replace them, one by one, the better.


Toothpastes + Oral Care-​

Another really important product to swap out is anything that is entering your mouth because, let’s face it, we do swallow tiny bits of these products, even lipsticks, and glosses! I carry a wide variety of toothpaste, flosses, mouth rinses, toothbrushes + more. If you want the most traditional toothpaste option that your family will still really enjoy and not notice too much of a difference, my top pick is Davids. The Sensitive is my all-time fave as it keeps my breath minty fresh and teeth white thanks to the nano-hydroxyapetite.

Not sure this line is for you? They now make minis so you can give it a try for under $5!


Many of you have heard already, but if not, earlier this year, studies found that 78 popular sunscreen products were found to contain benzene, a known carcinogen. Studies show that benzene exposure increases our risk of cancer, especially blood cancer. Besides containing benzene, many brands also contain Oxybenzone which is damaging our ocean’s coral reefs as this chemical washes off into our oceans after we apply it. Oxybenzone is also an endocrine disruptor, with research showing that it induces changes in the breast tissue when used by pregnant women. When choosing a sunscreen, always opt for a more natural, mineral-based product to keep contamination risks as low as you can.

You can check out all of my natural, approved SPF options here or a round up of my top picks by category here!


As you can see, we are quite literally drowning in toxins which can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Ditch what you can and slowly build up your collection as your budget allows. Hopefully, this blog sheds some light on the best areas to focus on to make it easier to know where to start! Have any questions or need help picking items out? Email us anytime! [email protected]

The post How to Clean up Your Beauty Routine appeared first on Organic Bunny.
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