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In the context of blockchain, what does “DAO attack” refer to?


Staff member
Jan 20, 2024
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In this guide, you’ll learn the answer to “In the context of blockchain, what does “DAO attack” refer to?” in Marina Protocol.

In the context of blockchain, what does “DAO attack” refer to?​

Question: In the context of blockchain, what does “DAO attack” refer to?

Answer: An attack on a decentralized autonomous organization, often involving manipulation of voting mechanisms.

Further reading​

Which blockchain platform is designed for the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) with a focus on formal verification and security?

What is the purpose of a “hard cap” in the context of an initial coin offering (ICO)?

Which blockchain platform uses the term “Crossfire” to describe its consensus algorithm?

The post In the context of blockchain, what does “DAO attack” refer to? appeared first on Followchain.
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